Monday, May 10, 2010

World Environment day 2010: Save our world

The World Environment day is coming up on June 5, 2010. It is a day of great significance. Our earth is suffering. We human beings are polluting this earth and we are suffering the consequences. You all know about the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico caused by the explosion of a drilling rig on April 22, 2010. Every day, 5000 barrels of oil is leaking into the sea and effecting the marine life. The biggest problem is this incident happen during the mating season which means many species might become extinct.

The World Environment Day (WED) to raise awareness among people about environment among people. On June 5, 1972, the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment started and continued till June 16, 1972. The day was established by the United Nations General Assembly and next year all over the world people observed the first environment day.


  1. Hi,
    The oil spill at the Gulf of Mexico has indeed effected the marine life.
    It comes as no surprise that today we need to take effective measures to save our Planet.
