Sunday, February 6, 2011

Jhalanath Khanal is the new Prime Minister of Nepal

At long last, there is a new elected prime minister in Nepal. Jhalanath Khanal was elected when the Maoists pulled out their own candidate and supported him. However, it is clear that there will be trouble because the Maoists wanted to have their own prime minister. So, Jhalanath Khanal may not find it easy to continue in this post for a long time.
Nepal is passing through a very tough time and unfortunately, there is no general conscious among the political leader. I personally blame the people or the public must more than the political leader. It is the people who are divided into different fractions and that is why, it has become impossible for the country to try for his own economy.
Nepalese people need to unite on some common grounds and force political leaders to work for the development of the country. Many people in the country are still very poor and they are suffering from all kind of problems. For the last half year, there was no elected prime minister and many times of voting in the parliament could not bring any result. As a result, there was no active or powerful government that could take important decisions for the country.
It is time that at least some political parties unite for a common agenda and try for the improvement of the people. If it doesn’t happen then Nepal will have a very brief future. 

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