Friday, April 30, 2010

Special Thanks to All the Readers of Our Blog

April 2010 is going to finish within a few hours. It has been a successful month for this blog in terms of several factors. We had very good traffic. The number of followers has increased significantly. There has been some increase in the Feedburner stats too. There has been tremendous increase in Alexa ranking within a single month. We got links from a number of other websites and blogs. The only sad part is that we live in a third world country with every possible limitations and we could not monetize on our success. It is very frustrating but at the same time, I am very happy that we could achieve so many things in the last two months. March 2010 was also a great month.
Of course, this success has come only because of our readers. Some of them visit often and some of them actually like or dislike the thing they read here. The youngest member of our blog, Kamrul Hasan wrote two entries one month ago:
This entry has so far received 157 comments.
This one has got 79 comments.
This kind of participation surely gives us a lot of mental satisfaction. In fact, each month, we find that in an entry or two, around 50-100 comments are written. We do not expect that people will praise us. We welcome criticism even more because the criticism always helps us to understand our mistakes. Because of all the generous support from our readers, South Asia Blog is emerging as one of the top blogs about South Asia. Well, I admit that in the last two weeks, we covered mostly about India and much less about other countries in the region. We are going to try to change it in May. We will surely try to give adequate coverage about the other countries.
We want to make South Asia Blog as a very informative and useful blog about South Asia. For this we need a lot of support from all of you. Please visit our blog daily. Write comments if you can. Criticize us whenever you feel.
From May 2010, we like to post regular interviews, business news from the region and some quality articles on a weekly basis.   

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