Saturday, September 25, 2010

Serious Doubt Cast over $35 Laptop from India

I am not strongly in favor of calling it a laptop. Instead, I think that it should fall into the category of tablet PC. Anyway, Jaimon Joseph has written an entry in the blog of IBN Live: Is India's $ 35 laptop really Indian?
Mr. Joseph has done quite a bit of research and has talked to several experts. If you read the entry then you will notice that he has cast a strong doubt whether the $35 laptop is really that much inexpensive. The main problem is that Indian government has not provided enough information about it.
The experts who are related to the project have not opened their mouths either. Thus, it is not sure whether the Indian government can really come out with a $35 tablet next year.
One thing is possible. The price will be more than $35 and Indian government will give some significant amount of subsidy to keep the price within $35. Of course, it has been already stated that mainly university students will get the tablet at the first phase.
If India can really come out with a $35 tablet then it will be the biggest revolution of recent IT history in the world. We have to wait another few months to see whether it really happens. 

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