It has been nearly one and half years that I could not work regularly. In fact, it has been indeed one and half year that I was out of full time job. My job is professional Blogging and for the five years almost, I have been earning my bread and butter and paying all the bills with professional blogging.
It is not that in the last 18 months, I was totally out of blogging but I could never work full time even for one month.
Now, the good part is that I have been able to comeback and from next week or the New Year 1 January 2011, I am going to again work just like the past. I clearly remember my experience of five years ago. At that time, I totally tried for learning, blogging and earning some money from it. It was at first very difficult and impossible.
I had no idea how to get page rank or traffic. I also had very little knowledge of Adsense or other advertisement programs. I almost had no idea about search engine optimization or getting good traffic from search engines like Google. I also did not know about marketing strategies that would bring good traffic for my Blogs.
In the last five years, I have learnt a lot and I personally feel that I have all the knowledge to have become a successful blogger. In fact, in 2007 and 2008 or even in the first half of 2009, I had decent amount of success in professional blogging. Then what happened is that at the peak of my career or performance, I became very sick and my wife also became very sick. As a result, I lost energy of doing full time work and I lost my freshness. It has been a very difficult battle for me but I feel excited to be able to make a comeback.
This South Asia Blog is my most favorite blog and I hope that from now, I will regularly update it for all of you. I can see that now, more than 900 Feedburner subscribers as well as 142 followers are with South Asia Blog. This is somewhat the sign of a successful blog and at one stage, its Alexa ranking reached to 30,000. It happened just five or six months ago and at that time, South Asia Blog was one of the top 30,000 websites in the whole world. It was an amazing achievement and we got it mainly because of our dedication and effort.
No, I do not have the dream of making it a blog that would generate thousands of page views everyday. Instead, I want to focus on writing about business and economy of the South Asia region. Yes, sometimes we will change the topic like sports, entertainment or even about election or major political events. However, main focus will be always on business and economy.
I also want to write more about the other seven countries in addition to India. In the past, what happened is that I noticed that most of the entries were mainly about India because people search about India related topics. This time, I want to make a change and I want to try to cover the all the seven countries.
I know that it is not possible to come up with the quality that I had because I had a long break. It will take some time but I will try my best to put good content that would become enjoyable for all of you. I know that some of you missed the blog a lot and I am really sorry for it.
Life is very difficult and at times life can become quite devastating for all of us. Fortunately, I have started to feel much better and let us see if we can produce good content for the blog in the next few weeks.
Professional blogging is full of stress and if you are a professional blogger like me then from my own experience, I would like to request you that never put too much stress on your health. Also, never put too much stress on your mind.
Do not use all of your will power to become successful in blogging because then you will suffer a lot. At one stage, you will suffer nervous break down and it will become very difficult for you to make a come back. This is the thing happened to me and especially in the last one year, I could never work continuously even for a month. When I was trying to make any comeback to professional blogging, I failed and I could not sustain any kind of consistency.
Now, when I am writing this entry today, I feel much much better and I am very hopeful that things will become better for me from now. In the five years, I have received a lot of visitors, a lot of comments, some decent amount of success and praise and some decent amount of income. Blogging has given a lot to me and I am happy that I could survive the recession and bad health both. Now, if the time has come for me to again start with fresh health and mind and fresh optimism. Thank you for all of you for being with me and for reading my Blogs on a regular or irregular basis.
Welcome back full-time Razib!