Monday, October 19, 2009

iPhone Still to Become Popular in South Asia

I just finished writing a long entry in another blog about record Apple Earning for third quarter of 2009. The main contributors behind such strong performance from the company during the time of economic recession were iPhones and Mac Computers. Steve Jobs himself has a lot of respect for India and Buddhism. Still, I cannot understand why he is not that much keen on promoting his products in South Asia. Yes, iPhone is in India but is not that popular yet. It is understandable because not too many people can afford to buy iPhones in a poor country like India. The same perhaps goes for Mac Computers too.
However, what I cannot understand is that why his company is not taking iPhone to other South Asian countries like Bangladesh and Pakistan. Both of them have more than 50 million mobile phone connections each and the markets are still growing. I feel that Apple is neglecting this region and it is not a wise strategy. Nokia is still the market leader in mobile phone simply because it has taken the Asian market seriously from first. I hope that Steve Jobs can make some trips to South Asia in the coming months and realize the potential of this region. 

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